
Lao Farmers Products Company (LFP)

Lao Farmers Products Company (LFP)

ທີ່​ຢູ່ : Adress: Alley 3, Ban SomsaNga, Saysetha district, Vientiane Capital

Contact us

General Director Alounnothay Soulimeuangchanh, Tell/Whatspp: 020 97386111;

Email: Asoulimeuangchan@gmail.com  

Executive ResponsibleSoulikhanh Phoudthavong, Tel/WhatsApp: 020 56500240;

Email: Soulikhan-@hotmail.com

Marketing Responsible:Oudavanh Svengsuksa

Tel: 030 5138512, 030 5808166, 020 55602030 /WhatsApp: 020 55602030

Facebook: Laofarmers’products

About us

Founded on the voluntary based of some former staffs from various ministries in January 1997, Lao Farmers Products Company is a small private enterprise, working hand in hand with ASDSP , with the following mission and aim:

Our mission:

  • Our mission is to “encourage people to work and live in harmony with nature though the sustainable agricultural development, Fair trade principles, equity and mutual respect amongst people.             

Our aim :

  • To encourage the small agriculture producers to produce good quality of various products such as: fruits, rice, organic tea, honey, sesame,…
  • To perform these products processing and sell part of them (40% ) in the local markets and export them mainly (60% ) to EU , under Fair Trade network through Solidar’ Monde, Artisans du Monde (France), Gepa (Germany), Claro (Switzerland), Oxfam (Belgium), … on the base of 50% pre-financing and 50% upon arrivals of commodities.

Currently LFP offers variety of products

  • Rice ( Gaba rice, Glutinous rice, Ordinary rice, Black rice, Brown rice, Brown Gaba rice mixed with food crops).
  • Organic tea ( Green tea, Black tea and Oolong tea).
  • Fruits jams: of orange , passion fruit, tamarind, pine-apple , lemon, banana, grape fruit, …
  • Pates de fruits (tamarind and passion fruits)
  • Honey of Apis cerena from Xiengkhouang province where plants of temperate and tropical climates can be grown like peach tree, pear tree, plum tree and wild plum tree. The bee keepers group have been trained at National university and Leuy university in Thailand for a beekeeping friendly of nature and for a sanitary harvesting of honey while bees pupa and larva are not damaged. From honey processing we have also a variety of honey herbal soap such as Pure Honey herbal soap, Green tea honey herbal soap, Tumeric honey herbal soap, Lemongrass honey herbal soap, Tamarind honey herbal soap, Passion fruit honey herbal soap and Coconut honey herbal soap.
  • Other products, black sesame oil, mulberry green tea, aromatic herbal teas (ginger tea, lemongrass tea and cardamon tea). Lastly some products in powder for hot drinking: ginger powder, bael powder, …

The tea organic products are annually certified by Agriculture Certification of Thailand ( ACT ) which is internationally recognized while those of fruits are certified clean of chemical by the group of producers themselves.

Since the beginning LFP started good relation with its trading partners and keep them smoothly as shown by the trading partners diagram below.


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